Rapport sur le développement dans le monde 2019: l'intelligence artificielle pour changer la nature du travail doit accroître les investissements
Will my work be replaced by machines? Can the education system of our time adapt to the era of artificial intelligence? According to the latest World Bank report, hundreds of millions of people are experiencing such work and educational anxiety as a result of rapid technological development.
The report believes that as the innovation process continues to accelerate and technology penetrates into every aspect of life, people are experiencing a new round of uncertainty. Robots are taking over tens of thousands of repetitive jobs and will eliminate many of the low-skilled jobs in developed and developing countries. "Many of the current primary school students will be engaged in work that does not exist today after adulthood." But at the same time, technology has also opened the way for job creation, productivity and effective public services. New markets and new jobs require employees to have critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as interpersonal skills such as communication and cooperation, and put new demands on human capital.
James min, director of the Office of the Chief Economist of the World Bank, said that in the face of changes in the nature of work, developing countries need to act quickly and invest their own people with a strong sense of urgency, especially the cornerstone of investing in human capital – health and education. Thereby ensuring its competitiveness in the future economy. According to the World Bank Group's analysis, in today's countries with the lowest human capital investment, the productivity of the future workforce is only one-third to one-half of the productivity that can be achieved when they are fully healthy and receive quality education.
He suggested that governments increase their investment in education, especially the early childhood development. Studies have shown that early childhood investments, including investments in nutrition, health, protection and education, provide a solid foundation for acquiring high-level cognitive skills and social behavioral skills in the future. From the fetal period to the age of five, it is the peak period of the brain's ability to learn from experience. Individuals who acquire such skills early in life are more likely to adapt to uncertainty in their future lives.
However, although early childhood development investments are very effective in nurturing important skills for children, society's investment in early childhood development is still insufficient. According to the report, about 250 million children under the age of five in low-income and middle-income countries are at risk of not fully realizing their development potential due to stunting or extreme poverty.